This week on The X Factor was "Diva Week". I'm not a big fan of having specific themes on singing competitions. It forces some of the competitors to perform a song out of their comfort zone that doesn't necessarily show off their best skills. It gives an advantage to the singers who can pull off the diva songs but I suppose it forces the artists to get creative.
The producers of X Factor are getting desperate with creating back stories for each of the contestants. It feels so forced. They can't just show a man singing a love song. They have to spend 5 minutes showing you how much he loves his high school sweetheart. A girl can't just sing "All By Herself". They have to show you that she really is all by herself because her family couldn't afford to fly out west to support her. They want to make sure you're watching the show the way they want you to watch it. So manipulative.
Anyway, on to the rankings! Double elimination this week. Warning: I can be cynical at times.
I have no doubt that Tate loves his wife but the producers want to really make sure you know that. They're showing photos of them in high school (baby face!), a video from their wedding, and putting Love Actually music in the background. Everything is so much more romantic with Love Actually music! Regardless of the sappy video package, Tate pulled off Shania Twain! He hit notes that I didn't think he would be able to reach. He might be able to sustain being #1 all the way to the finals. On a sidenote, I find his friendship with CeCe so random. Do the producers make them stand next to each other and pretend to listen to each other's stories?

It's always so tempting to call her Carly Rae. Was it a coincidence that "My Heart Will Go On" was on The Voice and The X Factor this week? Carly Rose definitely sang it better. That being said, I think the song choice ages her. She was only 2 years old when Titanic came out! She sounded amazing but I still find it weird that she's SO mature for her age. I don't think kids will relate to her as an artist. I was wondering how she's getting so many votes and then my mom said she wanted to rewatch her performance, which makes so much sense now. Her fan base is middle aged women!
I'm loving the song choices for Vino. They fit him so well. I'm waiting for the day when he explains the story behind getting his head tattoo. Can you do that for me X Factor? And I'm always worried whenever they allow Vino to speak. He starts spewing randomness and giving "mad love" to a list of names.
I'm not happy they went up in the rankings but at least they're not in the Top 3. I hate these guys more and more each week. THEY CAN'T EVEN SING. Only one guy in the band had a solo this week and he's not even a strong singer. The story about one of them dropping out of high school and having music "save him" had no effect in making me want to support them either. Ugh, these guys.
I understand that not everyone has the money to fly but I can't believe that Demi Lovato didn't shell out the cash and pay for CeCe's family to come. It's not like she doesn't have the money. But then CeCe's performance wouldn't be as moving if she wasn't truly "all by herself". The dress was ugly and the singing was wobbly but it's a step in the right direction for her. Last week I said she needs to show her vulnerable side and she did this week and jumped up 7 spots!

Look how much they love each other! They're like sisters! They bake together and do everything together! I like the girls individually but when they're all together, I can't handle it. As for the singing, I thought it was good. The last girl sounded a bit off to me though. I find myself paying more attention to what they're wearing when they're performing. I want to wear an all white ensemble! I also don't understand Simon when he said, "Maybe this isn't a one horse race. Maybe there's a chance that 5 girls with brilliant voices could win this show." No one ever said that a solo artist had to win The X Factor...
My dad loves Diamond White. She's alright to me. I don't hate her but I don't love her either. I do like her more than Carly Rae Rose Sonenclar though. I'm surprised she dropped so much in the rankings. Oh, and I want a walkway that lights up as I walk over it.
I like Beatrice's voice and I like the song but this was a really boring arrangement. I kept waiting for the song to build up and when it finally reached it, the song was over! The YOLO hat was pretty terrible too. I don't want her to get eliminated yet so Britney, start picking better songs!
Arin's crush on Normani from Fifth Harmony feels so forced. I sense some producer manipulation there. I liked Britney's song choice for him despite what the judges said. He made it sound like an R&B song. The judges were way harsh on him though. Demi said he had no soul!
I really liked the beginning of her performance and then the dancers popped out and it all went downhill from there. The red glittery lips were pretty cool though.
I loved Paige's version of "Paradise". I'm always worried when people do cover versions of Coldplay because the song can get easily ruined but I really think she pulled it off. The minute she started singing, I knew Jennel was doomed.
She lightened her hair! I really liked Jennel's performance. She's a natural at working the stage. I was shocked to see her at the bottom. I blame the outfit. I love the maroon leather pants but that top, what was that?! It looked like it was made out of shoelaces and whenever she moved it was like a mop going across the stage.
I never understood all the love for Hoobastank's one hit wonder. It's a boring song and makes me want to fall asleep. Jennel's voice sounded amazing though. I never heard her sing like that but it was obvious it wouldn't be enough to keep her around. For old times sake, let's listen to her sing
"Paris (Ooh La La)".
WHAT. THE. HELL. AMERICA. How did they get so little votes? Even my dad liked them!! The song choice was pretty bad but for a last minute decision, they pulled it off. I think the background music was too loud and the mics needed to be turned up though. I wonder what their original song choice was. Maybe they didn't get the rights to perform it? It just sucks that they were dead last because I'm certain they would have been picked over Paige or Jennel. It was always interesting to see what Lyric145 would come up with and I'm sad we won't get to see them perform anymore.
I could not stop laughing this week during the results when Mario Lopez insisted on getting an answer from Simon Cowell regarding Paige or Jennel. "Simon....sir...Mr. Cowell..." Advice for Mario Lopez: just go along with whatever Simon says. He's the one paying your salary. I also love the fact that Simon made Demi pick between her two artists. It was obvious Simon would pick Jennel but then she would be eliminated with 3 votes and we wouldn't get to watch Demi squirm. Where's the fun in that?