There are certain episodes of New Girl where I can't stand Jess. This episode was one of them. Jess finds out from her lesbian gynecologist friend that by the time a woman hits 30, most people lose 90% of her eggs. Fertility goes down the drain, uh oh! Cue dramatic overreaction! Like, throwing out the MICROWAVE? Really? Calm down there, honey. Her overreaction was totally understandable but it felt so exaggerated that I did not feel sad or worried for her. Quite honestly, from the beginning, I wasn't a big fan of the show. I think I only kept watching it for the other characters because I'm more interested in their story lines if anything, which is kind of strange since the show is supposed to be about her.
Show comparison: I just caught up on one of the new shows, The Mindy Project. My co-bloggers didn't seem too enthusiastic about it but I definitely like that show tons more than New Girl at the moment. I'm not saying New Girl is horrible, I'm just saying it's not impressing me. I'm not saying The Mindy Project is impressive, I'm just saying it's better than New Girl. Nevertheless, I will keep watching both shows - keeping low expectations for Jess, and high hopes for Mindy!