...and when I say random, I really do mean random bits about TV that are on my mind.

  • SPOILER ALERT FOR GAME OF THRONES - I kind of miss Renly Baratheon, who I didn't even realize I cared about until he died by a black smoke person of all things! Also, I want Sansa to give The Hound a hug; he looks like he needs it. 
  • Phillip Phillips won American Idol! And if I'm being braggy, I picked him as my winner back in March. His crying, inability to sing, and hugging his mom at the end was a great finale moment. Is it just me or does his song, Home, sound like a Mumford & Sons song?
  • In the last few weeks of American Idol, I did want Jessica Sanchez to win though. Everyone needs to check out her and original Dreamgirl, Jennifer Holliday, sing their faces off with "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going". For real, you need to watch the crazy amount of talent.
  • Kristin Wiig's farewell sketch on Saturday Night Live made me tear up. I found her really annoying for several seasons but then I grew to like her. I really wish there was a better video of it than this. Also, don't leave Andy Samberg!! At least we've still got Bill Hader and Stefon. Spicy!
  • Pet Peeve: previews for new fall shows that can only be seen by Americans. WTF? If the point of the video is to spread awareness, maybe you shouldn't restrict its viewers.
  • You know you're excited about Fall TV when you start making spreadsheets. I've got a spreadsheet that lists all my shows, the times, and both American and Canadian channels. It's serious business organizing my PVR! I actually really enjoy organizing it though. I'm weird, I know. 
  • There's something about the summer that always makes me want to marathon a show. Maybe I'll finally get around to watching Lost Girl or Leverage or Homeland. There's a little something called school that's getting in my way though...

One Comment

  1. I'm marathoning Suits, LOL! And did you notice you stopped tagging your posts? =O And yes, I'm saying it because it bothers me (and you know it does...very much so). =P

    I totally understand your love for organizing your TV sched cause that's like me and organizing my room...LOL!
