The Lying Game is the sister show of Pretty Little Liars, which is pretty much the only reason I started watching it to begin with. Horrible reason, I know. The only other thing I know about this show is that it is based on a series of novels written by the same author as the one who wrote Pretty Little Liars. Quite frankly, I don't even know why I'm still watching this show because I have gotten REALLY frustrated watching how the characters handle their situations. If I were to describe those moments with one word, the word would be "stupid". I found myself asking, "WHY?" so many times that when I finally caught up to the most recent episode, I was mentally through with the show.

Emma Becker (Alexandra Chando): The unfortunate twin who was stuck in the foster care system and in a terrible home until her twin sister found her. She is forced to fool everyone into thinking she is her twin sister, Sutton, while Sutton runs around trying to solve the "mystery". As someone who grew up in a different environment, her personality differs greatly from Sutton's - she is nice instead of bitchy, and grateful for being able to live comfortably with wealth, and a family who seemingly cares a lot about her. Why...?!: Why are you STILL whiny about not being able to pretend to be your twin?! Why are you so indecisive? Why don't you see how much Ethan loves you?! Why didn't you tell Ethan about that creep?! Why did you just let that creep kiss you?!?! Why are you acting like it's the end of the world?

Sutton Mercer (Alexandra Chando): The fortunate yet ungrateful twin, she was adopted by the wealthy family while her twin sister was left in the foster care system. Just by comparison, you'd think she'd be more grateful of her situation. Nope. She is bitchy, slightly possessive, and is a slut (slept with her best friend's brother, Thayer, just because). I'm sure that exactly how she's meant to be portrayed, given that she was spoiled growing up. I'll give it to her for knowing something was wrong in her family and wanting to find her real birth mother. I'll also admit that her bitchiness appears for valid reasons. However, she goes a little overboard with that most of the time. Why...?!: Why are you hating on your own twin sister when all she did was do what you told her to (aside from the stealing-your-boyfriend part)?! Why are you being such a stuck up crazy bitch?! Why don't you think about your actions?!

Laurel Mercer (Allie Gonino): The character I like the most on the show because it appears she's the only one with some common sense, and doesn't do anything highly ignorant. I like her chill attitude and how she can take it when she gets in trouble or when she doesn't get any attention. She has her fair share of teenage desires, like sneaking out to hang out with the boyfriend and going to parties, but she knows what she's doing and has it all under control. All of this explains why I am kind of unhappy that she's in a relationship with a seemingly perfect guy, who has ulterior motives in relation to the "mystery" at hand. I hope for her sake that regardless of what his relation is to the twins, he still sincerely likes Laurel because she's in way too deep right now and I sense disaster coming her way. Why...?!: WHY SO EASY?

Madeline Rybak (Alice Greczyn) (left) and Char Chamberlin (Kirsten Prout) (right): They're alright, except I think they fail at not noticing the drastic change in their best friend, Sutton (who is actually Emma). There have been a couple times in the show when they play the best friend card, saying that Sutton (Emma) doesn't care about them anymore, but I think that at the same time, they failed as friends to see that there is clearly a lot going on in Sutton's life and if anything, the friendship has changed for the better since Emma is more caring anyway. Why...?!: Why is Mads telling her evil dad so much unnecessary information? Why is Mads blaming Sutton/Emma for everything that goes wrong when ironically, it's kind of her own fault?! Why does Mads get to pounce on that fine piece of ass, known as Eduardo (Rick Malambri)??

Alec Rybak (Adrian Pasdar): He plays quite an important role in the show. Alec is the master villain with all the lies that have been weaved relating to the truth about Sutton and Emma's birth mother and what had happened to her. He is also Mads and Thayer's dad. Don't even know what he did yet or what he's got to hide, but as the D.A. of the town, he's got the authority to screw everything over to his liking. Why...?!: Why so evil? Why so creepy? Why so manipulative, even to your own son and daughter?! Why you try to kill sexy Eduardo?! =(

Ethan Whitehorse (Blair Redford): The attractive bad boy of the show. I would agree more with that statement if he would just cut his ugly floppyass hair. Seriously. But in any case, he isn't THAT much of a bad boy considering how head over heels he is for Emma. He can be decisive in what he wants and handles some things with a certain degree of intelligence. However, it appears that the second Emma is in the picture, that all flies out the window. Also, if you were to think about this realistically, he's kind of an ass for cheating on Sutton, even if Sutton cheated on him too. And what's even worse, with her sister...her TWIN sister. Ouch. Why...?!: Why you no cut hair?! Why do you just follow Emma around and let her do ignorant things?! Why are you letting your brother get into your head?!
I would say that these few characters have stood out the most thus far into the show. Maybe this show is just not meant for someone like me to watch because I feel like I have a lot of complaints. It's probably just the dislike of juvenile ignorance and stupidity. There was a lot of that in the last episode I watched. I'm most likely going to give the show a few more chances at redeeming itself in my eyes, but I'm definitely ready to drop it like it's hot.