Without realizing it, I have become slightly addicted to The Secret Circle. When I first watched the Pilot episode, I thought it might just be a lame show about teenage witches mixed in with some Pretty Little Liars type of thrill (which seems to be popular lately in teenage shows). However, as I kept watching, more interesting things started building up in the plot, making me really intrigued for more!

I think the main character of the show, Cassie Blake (played by Britt Robertson), is really pretty! In fact, a lot of the cast is pretty, especially when the camera brings out the colour of their eyes! I feel like it really adds a lot to the eeriness and intensity of the situation at times. Her developing relationship with Adam (Thomas Dekker) is cute, but I like the attraction she has with Jake (Chris Zylka), the "bad boy" of the show, thus far. I also like how they focus on the relationships of the other cast as well! I'm kinda sad that they killed off one of the "members" already, because I was starting to really like the relationship that was developing for him/her.

Another thing I like? Their clothes. Is it weird that I watch shows sometimes just to see their cute outfits? Obviously not realistic though. It just doesn't make sense to be prancing around all over the place in heels, especially when you're trying to run away from something/someone, hide, or snoop around somewhere.

I would say the show is geared towards teenagers, what with their complicated relationships and stuff, but the plot lines multiply when the adults of the show are involved as well! Combined together, there is plenty of room for curiosity as to what will happen next. Not to mention, I find myself getting chills for certain episodes because they do a pretty good job with the thrill factor. I can't wait until the next episode airs (in 3 days)!

One Comment

  1. Yay! You posted! Is the show mainly about witches?

    And sometimes I watch Pretty Little Liars just for their clothes/hair/superficial stuff haha.
