I have, in the past, noticed that the Game of Thrones title sequence gives viewers clues about which parts of the land the episode involves. How so? Well, as I was initially trying to clear my confusion of who belongs where and where all the kingdoms were in relation to one another, I couldn't help but notice the inconsistency of the introductions for each episode (slightly frustrating actually). One day it dawned on me that the map for each episode differs according to the episode itself! I think it's pretty cool when shows do that, and I'm not going to lie but I gave myself a tiny pat on the back for noticing it.
Well, cheers to finding another! I have been behind on Once Upon a Time and am only getting around to catching up on it now. I couldn't help but notice the subtle clue that the title scene gives regarding which fairytale character(s) they will focus on in the episode! It almost makes me want to watch the title sequences for all the old episodes again just to see what I missed seeing before.
Actually, it's probably not that subtle of a thing and everyone else probably noticed or knew about it already. However, I seriously find things like this highly amusing...as clearly demonstrated by my desire to write a post about it. Hmm, I wonder what other shows that do this kind of a thing - I'm sure there are plenty more. TV is so creative these days!
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