I think I have a pretty good tolerance for shows. I'm the type who's willing to give shows second or third chances, but here are some deal breakers for me.

1. Incestuous Relationships In a Group of Friends
I hate shows in which everyone's slept with everyone else. It's just annoying for me. Don't get lazy, writers. Introduce some new characters! (On a weird note: actual incest is less annoying for me. But that's probably because I've only seen it on good shows.)
Culprit: Gossip Girl (This hookup chart was created a year and a half ago. It's a lot worse than that now.)

2. Storylines Befitting Soap Operas
May or may not include: stalkers, stalker-kidnappers, stalker-murderers, murder cover-ups (done wrong), people coming back from the dead, long lost siblings coming back from the dead, secret affairs, secret love children, etc.
Culprits: One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl

3. Overhypedness
This is more of the fan's fault than the show creators themselves, but it's still a deal breaker for me. When everyone acts treats one show like the savior of primetime television, and I don't get it, I just start feeling left out and confused. And then I give up on the show. And eventually start hating it.
Culprits: Glee, New Girl

4. Procedural Shows with No Overarching Storyline
When a procedural show's episodes don't relate to each other, I see no problem in missing a couple episodes here and there. Next thing you know, I'm missing a full season. And then I let the show go completely.
Culprits: Criminal Minds, Law and Order: SVU

5. Procedural Shows with Complicated Overarching Storylines
This usually happens to keep a show going a few seasons past its due date. Writers start throwing random things into the show to keep things interesting. It just gets too complicated for me.
Culprit: Burn Notice


  1. Incestuous relationship = Game of Thrones. =)
    I thought I was the only one who felt New Girl was overhyped. It's okay. Not thattttt great.
    One culprit you missed: Bones.

  2. Oh yeah.. what would Bones be though? Something like... Anticlimactic Love Stories...
