Watch out for:

Why I wanted to watch this show:
A lot of people on tumblr seemed to watch (and like) this show and it was all over my dash. Eventually, my curiosity got to me and so I buckled and decided to watch all six seasons of the new Doctor Who.

First impressions: I thought Doctor Who was really cheesy and really... British at first. I didn't really get the humour and some of the aliens/monsters were a bit ridiculous. (See: Slitheen). But I thought the Ninth Doctor was very charming and Rose grew on me eventually.

How I feel about the show now: It took me awhile to warm up to this show but I can honestly say now that I enjoy Doctor Who very much. The three Doctors were brilliantly cast and they were all amazing. Each one had his own personality and flaws - which makes it nearly impossible to pick a favourite. But even though I couldn't name a favourite Doctor, I have to say I like the seasons with the Eleventh Doctor the best (five and six). I think it's a combination of Steven Moffat's writing, the relationship between Doctor/Amy/Rory and just getting used to the show in general.

Why I would recommend this show to other people: It's a fun show but it also makes you think sometimes - mostly, about morality and humanity. It's a good mix of science fiction and fantasy. Some episodes are exceptionally good (like the season 5 finale which dealt with the complexity of a non-linear concept of time in a way that played out like a movie). The series as a whole is pretty well thought out and the continuity on this show is quite impressive. That's something I appreciate in a show. Plus, there's so many references to Doctor Who on other shows and pop culture in general. To name a few, there's Leverage, Community and indirectly, Fringe, which borrows some details from Doctor Who.

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