Spoiler Alert: Contains spoilers for 3x04

Have you ever tried to tell someone why they should watch Parenthood? For me, it goes a little something like this: "It's about a family. And... their lives..." And people look at me, expecting more from this wonderful show I'm raving about. But the truth is, that really is what Parenthood is about, and that's what makes it great.

Parenthood isn't about love triangles or angsty will-they-or-won't-they drama. The show doesn't have a cast cut right out of a teen magazine. There's no big mystery to solve or a big bad villain to defeat. It's just about a family. And their lives. Jason Katims has some magical power in making mundane, everyday life seem interesting, because somehow Parenthood just works.

Last night's episode was a great example of what Parenthood is all about. It was an emotional roller coaster of awkward first dates, embarrassing parents, breakups, blood-is-thicker-than-water speeches, saying thank you and goodbye to the family of the girl you just broke up with, and simple victories like getting your loan approved for your business and having a breakthrough moment with the girl you like.

I wish I could somehow make people feel what I feel when I watch this show. But for now, I guess I'm still stuck with "It's about a family. And their lives."

Source: lauren-online.net


  1. Jason Katims is amazing at making typical, mundane events have so much heart. And yay! Gratuitous topless Michael B. Jordan this week.

  2. Consolation prize for possibly losing him on the show? Not worth it lol
