I have to say, I'm really liking this season of Misfits. I don't even notice the absence of Nathan and the show is still just as funny as before. I think it helps that this season feels centered around Kelly, while Season 1 felt focused on Nathan and Season 2 with Simon, so each season feels fresh. Plus, who doesn't love Kelly? She's awesome.

Of course, the addition of this guy helps too. I wholeheartedly approve of Seth + Kelly.

Source: deverauxes

And if you're not watching Misfits, you should be!

Just a little sidenote:
It blows my mind that there are over 1000 page views of TV Ramblings and that there are people from all over the world visiting this blog. This whole thing really just started as a way for me to gab about shows and not bother my friends and family with all my TV nonsense. So, even if you were re-directed here from a random Google search, I just want to say thanks for checking out the blog and boosting my ego! =)

One Comment

  1. Maybe it's just me refreshing the page every five minutes.. lol jk. Anyway, YES MISFITS. And YES NEW GUY. But Rudy is kinda meh still for me.
