I'm all caught up with Revenge! The problem with marathoning shows is that you get extreme withdrawal symptoms and you get frustrated at the fact that you have to wait a whole week for the new episodes! Preposterous!!! =P

After catching up, I felt the need to update my thoughts on the characters of the show.

Amanda is definitely still one badass chick. Love the scene in episode one where she strolls back into the Hamptons scene in her stunning red dress and glamorous shades. Now that's an entrance! ;) Nolan...still AWESOME!!! And you can tell everyone thinks the same because they've "upgraded" Nolan in the new season. Boxing?? A decent haircut?? Good job, Nolan! I also must say that I love it when he calls Amanda (Emily), "Ems" (or is it "Ams"?) And also the bromance between him and Jack. Although that may be the only thing about Jack that I like.

Nolan and Amanda strolling into the party with style.
Jack is getting on my nerves because he is turning out to be a really pathetic man, in my opinion. So far, he's done nothing but cause more trouble and is completely ignorant of what's going on around him! Seriously, even his brother, Declan, is smarter than him. Not to mention, he knows what he wants and what he's doing. At least he can stand up for himself, and because of that, I am actually starting to like him now! It's a shame what happened between him and Charlotte though, and I kinda hope to see them back together. Declan is good for Charlotte, especially since she's heading down some dark path. She's definitely got the potential to be as scheming as her mother was, and who knows what will make her tick?! Speaking of her mother, I knew Victoria would still be alive since she plays such a major role in the show! They can't possibly kill her off that quickly!! And quite frankly, I'm glad she's alive. I loved that she took a stand against Conrad at the end of Season 1, but clearly they need her to represent some sort of new evil for Season 2, so I'm definitely curious as to what this new season brings for her!

Victoria boarding her plane at the end of Season 1!
Daniel is definitely on his way to becoming an alcoholic or something and is also on his way to making even more poor decisions, I'm sure. Clearly, he is not the brightest "Prince Charming" out there. Now he just seems like an insecure and lost little puppy to me, just following in his father's footsteps. Not to mention, he is so easily used by all the schemers of this show! For example, Ashley. BINGO, saw that bitch coming. But to be fair, she has her right to be fed up with the people around her. Also, let's just note that she is definitely sleeping with Conrad to climb her way up that unpleasant social ladder. Bets on that. Gross.

Awkward conversation between Daniel, Ashley, and Amanda (as Emily).
New episode out tomorrow!! Can't wait! For now, let's enjoy Season 1 Bloopers! You'd expect it to be slightly boring because the show is so serious, but actually these are pretty awesome.

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